Unique slow fashion upcycling clothes for a sustainable lifestyle!
We buy our second-hand clothes in Kantomanto in Accra Ghana and blend them with Ghanaian tradition and new-fashion fabrics as a unique upcycling product. For now only in Europa for sale!
We use a percentage from the income to pay our tailors fairly and with the other we want to build up a training center for digital sellers up from October this year.
In the Kofaya Trainingscenter the women tailors learn marketing and social media skills, to be able to market their own goods to Europe independently.
Support us with your purchase and be part of the Kofaya – Family!
Every clothes you buy brings us closer to our goal of establishing fair trade routes between Africa and Europe in a decolonised way!
In a world scarred by colonialism, we rise up and create our own history and future. Become part of Kofaya by supporting us with your purchase. We use the winnings to set up a training center for tailors, where they learn social media and marketing skills, as well as other business strategies, so that they can independently market their own goods to Europe after the training. We open up trade routes and opportunities for a fairer present and future!
Priscilla Hirschhausen (Founder of Kofaya)